My name is Leslie, I am Mexican by birth yet I consider myself a citizen of the world. My family and I live between Los Cabos, Mexico, San Miguel de Allende, yet we are truly nomadic, so you might find us anywhere. The origin of my story into healing started after much trauma, abuse, abandonment, adoption, eating disorders, deep depressions, multiple miscarriages, complicated pregnancies, NICU babies, and all of the challenges that these experiences bring to a marriage and parenting.

I lost myself while trying to survive what was thrown at me, my boundaries were non-existent and I gave pieces of my heart to all those around me, except myself. Slowly, this pattern of self-abandonment and abnegation, led to immense pain that shook me to the core.

This journey brought me to healing through mindfulness, meditation, therapy, compassion and ultimately conscious parenting with Dr. Shefali Tsabary. This process of liberation guided me through years of study to develop a methodology by which I help others.
With this multidisciplinary framework, I have healed decades of dormant childhood trauma and released the blockages that kept me from living and feeling completely. By turning the focus inward, I realized that I could only love my children and loved ones unconditionally once I understood how to love and value myself first.
I am a Mother of 4 little wise ones. They, along with my personal journey and healing, have been a portal to growth and awareness.
I am here to provide a space to guide you to a better connection within and with your wise ones from a place of compassion and abundance.
My goal is to help parents find their inner wisdom and understand how our children are our wise teachers.
Power of Awareness - Tara Brach & Jack Kornfield
IFS Online Circle - Richard Swartz
Intuitive Intelligence Method - Ricci-Jane Adams

Nervous System Hygiene - Lindsey Lockett
Biology BaseCamp Community Connection - by Zach Bush MD
Child Nutrition and Cooking - Stanford University & Coursera
Compassionate Inquiry Approach - by Gabor Mate
Certified Conscious Parenting Coach by Dr. Shefali Tsabary
Concisous Parenting Mastery – Mindvalley, by Dr. Shefali Tsabary
Formula de Vida - Life Formula (Co-dependency education) by Therapists
Norma Campos & Alma Rodarte -
Be Your Best: Personal Effectiveness in Your Life and Relationships by Linda Adams, Thomas Gordon
Communication method by Norma Campos & Alma Rodarte
Primero yo, y despues tú´- (First me and, then you) - Inner child healing course by Norma Campos & Alma Rodarte
Bacholors degree in Business Administration, Minor in Finance - ITESM
Soul Care Certification - By Suzi Lula
How to Lead a Meditation - Cory Muscara
A Radical Awakening Deep Dive Course by Dr. Shefali Tsabary
Certified Conscious Parenting Coach by Dr. Shefali Tsabary
The Year of the Awakened Heart by Dr. Shefali Tsabary
De-Mystifying Mindfulness – taught by Dr. Chris Goto-Jones. Leiden University.
Transcendental Meditation - by “Tata” Dolores Sandoval
What My Clients Say
Hello my name is Jessie Ashley, I am a client of Sabios Parenting. I highly recommend conscious parenting coaching with Leslie. During my sessions with Leslie, I felt safe, comfortable and felt the space shared was sacred. I left my sessions with a better understanding of myself, my inner child and with new tools to work with to better understand my children and respond to them with more patience and grace. It’s really good to know that I have support from Leslie from a Theraputic standpoint and from one parent to another.
- Jessie, from Canada

Why Conscious Parenting?
Parenting is hard! Culture would have you believe parenting comes naturally. We do our best, but many times we do things unconsciously. We recreate some of the parenting styles our parents programmed us with and then feel guilt or shame when the connection with our children is weakened.​
Conscious Parenting is a discovery process in identifying and questioning the patterns and frameworks that shaped us. Through Conscious Parenting we can understand and curate our reactions and avoid unconsciously repeating the same formula.

In short Conscious Parenting is about:

Letting go of our parental ego and attachments [to old forms]
Healing our personal wounds with compassion
Healthy boundary setting
Building connection with ourselves and our loved ones
Being mindful of our reactions and interactions
Seeing our children as they are, not what we want them to be
In Dr. Shefali´s words:
“While you may believe your most important challenge is to raise your children well, there’s an even more essential task you need to attend to, which is the foundation of effective parenting. This task is to raise yourself into the most awakened and present individual you can be.”

What is a Conscious Parenting Coach?
A Conscious Parenting Coach holds a safe space for parents to approach parenting with more awareness, wisdom, non-resistance, compassion and oneness. I will guide you to better connect with yourself, help provide tools and grounding for more connection with your children.

Why can help you?

Sabios in Spanish means: Wise Ones. In many ways, the ways of formlessness and the ways of the heart, our children are our wisest teachers.
I know trauma, but mostly I know the power of healing. I’ve studied for years, most recently under Dr. Shefali Tsabary as a certified conscious parenting coach. I´ve been in the trenches as a parent and also as a human. My husband and I are raising four beautiful, unique and wise (Sabios) humans, all 2 years apart. To say our household is intense, is an understatement.
I use a combination of eastern spirituality and western psychology. My multidisciplinary framework uses compassionate inquiry leaning on mindfulness, meditation, trauma informed therapy, breath work, self-care & self-love.

I guide you to self-compassion by 
allowing you to be vulnerable and acknowledge your personal story. Together , we respond to your suffering by nurturing it.
You will learn how to treat yourself tenderly and find clarity and balance through self-acceptance.

Re-parenting means to look at our past, but only for the benefit of how it affects our present moment and to break free of the chains of old patterns for the future.
Understanding your unmet needs and ways in which you were not validated or seen as a child.